Friday, January 13, 2012

Yep, I Wrote That

            Once a week I think about what I should write about. Sometimes I get ideas from what I see on TV and other times I get ideas from what I read. The fun part of having your own blog and page is the fact that your opinion is expressed openly and shared with whomever you choose to share it with.  When you write, you almost put yourself in a state of euphoria; you have that feeling that no one can touch you in your world. Ha, that’s where things get tricky.
            I’ve always been told the pen is mightier than the sword and I’ve always written with that fact in mind. I love the fact that I can take a person out just by what I write, of course that doesn’t make it right; but I love the rush. I hold to the belief that if you don’t like what I write, you have the option to not read it, but think about it….there’s something that brings you back. There’s something in you that says, “what’s she going to say today, who’s she going to piss off?” What makes it more intriguing is I write fact, I don’t feel the need to write garbage and b.s. In turn, the same people that get intrigued are the same ones that usually get upset first. To that I say, “Oh well”.
            With writing, one can almost right the wrongs that were once done. Think about it, you have a chance to put pen to paper and tell your story. You don’t have to name names, the person will figure out who they are then out themselves trying to take you to task. People are funny. People are free to write whatever they want, it’s their world, and I’ve seen it. The irony is the same ones that feel they can say whatever they want are the same ones who get upset when you say something they don’t like. Been there, done that, biatch please!
            Believe me, there is always someone out there that knows who you’re talking about and what you’re talking about. Now whether or not they let you know they know is a different story. For example; I had a teacher in third grade that used to threaten to slap everyone, well mostly the kids of color. Funny, there were only five of us in that class. One day she finally slapped one boy and fancied herself quite proud. She used to threaten me all the time and I just glared at her. This is the same teacher who thought it was a good idea to teach us a slavery song, or what she called a slavery song. If I were to see this teacher today, I’d love to slap her. I guarantee there are some that know who I’m talking about without mentioning a name or the school I went to.
            You see, when you write, you can put your story out there. Some people choose to put everything out there, nothing wrong with that; if they don't misspell half of what is written. Some choose an outlet that showcases how sad they are as evidenced in all their complaints. Now I haven’t quite figured out why people use any social outlet as a common migration point for all that’s wrong in their lives, I guess the thought process somehow dictates that if it’s written someone will care and feel sorry for them. Newsflash….no one cares!!! With that said, I, along with others continue to read those pitifully written postings. Hmmm, something about the shameless public showing of pain that gets me right there….yea right.
            I’d like to think I choose my audience carefully, yep, that’s why it’s public for the whole world to see. Seriously, I think I have a good handle on what can be interesting or crappy. My opinion, like anyone else’s, doesn’t matter and we all know this. What gets the reader (you) is how I’m going to state that opinion, that’s the hook right there. What I say is irrelevant, how I say it is pisses a person off. I have a chance to say in writing things I couldn’t say when I was younger. You can tell by the way I write that I would say the same in person if presented the chance, hmm, might be why I haven’t been presented the chance YET!
            I guess when it comes down to it, life isn’t that serious but it does make an interesting read; depends on who’s doing the writing. Some of you should take a step back and realize all the misery you’re writing about is providing comic fodder for someone else….probably me. Yep I wrote that!~ Just my two cents

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