Monday, August 20, 2012

Those Wonderful Grudges ~ C.L. Anderson

            Are you one of the many people that can hold on to grudges forever? Do you secretly wish someone would spend over 24 hours bumping their head on the stupid truck? Are you happy when you hear something has happened to someone you held a grudge against?  I can honestly answer yes to my own questions. I am a grade school teacher’s worst nightmare, I remember everything that was ever said or done to me by one of those sadistic bastards. I remember my brother being treated like dirt and his classmates rallying behind him when my mom got a call to show up at the school. I think I push the boundary between a grudge and hatred and take it further than that. Of course that’s not healthy; but sometimes you carry things that have had a traumatic impact in your life and you carry the heavy load of a grudge.
            I remember being told I was the devils’ child and would never amount to anything. I am left handed and everything was backwards for me and the teacher made sure I knew that. I was always told that all good happens to the right, the evil is left, really? What a thing to teach a child, where was that good Christian value love? I remember being tormented by the same person throughout grade school; this teacher was also the principal. I held such a strong grudge against this person that I did a happy dance when I read his death notice. I remember saying to my mom I hope he suffered big time. I also had a teacher that felt it was her calling to slap her students, to this day I say if I ever see her I’m going to slap the mess out of her. Oh oh, there’s that devil creeping up. I held an equal grudge against one of the pastors; he was such an ass and didn’t care. Today, he’s an old man that looks like the Heat Miser, I’m pretty sure he isn’t marveling in his racist ways.
            When I worked construction there was a guy that felt it was his duty to tell me on a daily basis that women don’t belong in construction; especially women of color. My daily routine consisted of cussing this guy out and trying to work around his ignorance. This guy was just an all around jerk and was quite fond of his behaviors. This was someone I swore I would run over in my truck if I saw him on the road riding his motorcycle. Well, after carrying this grudge for a few years, I found out the guy died from a drug overdose. They found him in his bathroom. How dignified. Again, I was happy. He couldn’t be evil to anyone anymore.
            Carrying a grudge is not healthy, I know this but yet I don’t change it. Many believe that you should forgive just don’t forget. If you believe people really do that….I tend to not forgive or forget. People put a lot of effort into being jerks, why should I let them off the hook so easily! I have had friends that have done things or their parents have shown just how they can be racist jerks, do you honestly think I’m going to forgive and forget??? Nope, as a matter of fact I’m enjoying the fact that they are all suffering. I love Karma at its best!
            I like when people think I don’t know what they’ve done. These are the ones that go behind your back thinking you won’t find out; they think they’ve gotten away with something. Well in the beginning they may have, but when you sit there and smile in my face trying to be the nice person; keep in mind I’m sitting there looking at you wishing the roof would fall on your smug ugly face. I’m a firm believer in once a snake always a snake. I do admire the tenacity of ignorance; it exposes the vulnerability that enables someone to exploit the naivety of simple minded people.
            I often wonder if people had the chance to apologize for what they’ve done to others would they do it. In this age of technology it isn’t hard to pen a quick note and just let that person know there was a change in the heart and they want to apologize for what was done. Reality kicks in and realizes a person can sit on your sofa, smile in your face knowing they’ve done wrong and still not apologize. So sending a quick little note is one of those things that won’t happen. People are funny like that. My grandma is one of those people that had a chance to apologize to those she’s traumatized and up until she took her last breath she was defiant, ignorant and crass. She insisted she never did harm to anyone and felt no to need to apologize.
            Holding these crazy grudges does take a toll on your health. Sometimes it’s not so easy to let go and move on, it’s not like we’re robotic and can be re-programmed to do what someone else wants. I used to sit around and think of revenge; that is something that is really heavy. That is something that becomes a disease and will shorten your life span. I’m convinced exacting revenge is not the answer. A lot of people believe you give the other person power when you hold a grudge, I don’t really believe that. I’m pretty sure people don’t go to bed at night wondering who has something personal against them, I know I don’t. I also believe that people that know they’ve done wrong have gonads the size of Mt. Rushmore to sit in your house, smile in your face and  know without a doubt that in your mind you’re just waiting for something to snap. 
            I may hold on to things much longer than most people and I’ll admit I do get a little giddy when I hear something happened to someone I don’t really care for; but there are some things I’ve realized with age… 1) People always say forgive, I say God forgives and I’m not God 2) Even as they smile, their heart is heavy. Sometimes that’s all it takes 3) As long as I have the gift of writing, there is no need to seek out revenge. It’s all written out, kind of like therapy at the other person’s expense 4) Carrying a grudge won’t solve the issue or make a perceived wrong right and finally 5) Walking through life is hard enough on it’s own, I’d like to thank myself and say “self, walk out of the world of the wonderful grudges”. Some of you may want to do the same. ~ Just my two cents.

Friday, August 10, 2012

A Lot in a Little Time~ C.L. Anderson

           I’ve been sitting around thinking about time and how we use it. I thought about things that have happened and the elapsed amount of time. I often wonder why things are fully seen only after they happen, even when you yourself have that instinct that something is amiss. I remember I had a set goal; I gave myself five years to achieve certain milestones. I met those milestones and then something happened. The nice comfy, soft ground became hard as a rock and once the room starting spinning, the rest of the universe spun out of control as well.
            It’s funny when you start to lose control you believe you can regain it easily and quickly. You soldier on with a smile on your face, never letting them see you sweat; but sweating you are. A new reality starts to set in, the reality where you say to yourself “Damn, this is super messed up”. Going back isn’t an option, pushing forward is a chore; all that’s left is time. No one will really understand because they’re too busy talking about their own issues. Those people are the ones that put down other people for the slightest thing, I call them the “anti everything people”. I have a lot of those types on my Facebook page. Thanks to time, one has a chance to sit back and watch people’s true feelings come out in their own words. Look at your page and just watch, I bet you didn’t know how many of your friends really uncaring, prejudiced and biased people are.
            I can look in my way back clock and see where things took a crazy turn; it was in my teens when I was always sick and no one could figure out why. Pushing through the decades of going back and forth to different doctors and having even the closest of friends call me lazy all grinds through the same gears of time. Some people only remember a small piece of a past time, I remember it all. There is no time lapse in my mind, just a steady calendar with a lot of notes. I feel like a chocolate version of Santa keeping a list of who’s naughty and nice, only thing is, no one gets a present.  Oh time, time, time; aren’t you just a little devil!
            As we get older, we actually start to take a little more time for sanity’s sake; well, we try to. Sit back and think about a short period of time and what has happened; is it good or bad or both?  My short period of time is 19 months. In that time I’ve lost my mom, sent my son off to school (twice now), gotten one heck of a piece of news from a doctor that still has me catching my breath and pretty much walked away from a friendship that was toxic to me. I’ve reconnected with a friend that I’ve talked about forever and actually took the time to tell that person I wish they were here when my son was born. We picked up our conversation like it was never interrupted by 20+ years. I’ve learned that sometimes, I may need to ask for help as I slowly become a little less stable. I’ve reconnected with old friends from down south and yep, I still say they’re backwards.
            I’ve also learned to find more irony in just about everything. Those that know me will say only I would be able to do that. I’m sure I’m not the only one that notices people with children that aren’t that attractive are the ones posting the most sayings or pictures about “beautiful” children. I’m just the only one that will say something about it. So here you go, if you really believe your kids are that good looking, why the need to keep saying it like you have to prove to everyone they are??? Oh the irony! My generation is between the generation of parents that sent their kids away when they “messed up” and the generation that glorifies teen pregnancy by creating reality shows; seriously people think about that; now that’s ironic. Once again our dear friend time steps in and takes a bow while slyly smiling.
            We all say we don’t have enough time for things, yet as you see 19 months is a short time for a lot to happen. The same ones complaining about lack of time are usually the ones sitting on the computer either playing games or hanging on Facebook. I’ve been fortunate enough to look back in time, see what I didn’t/don’t like and start to make time work for me. There’s a lot of people that take a lot of time expressing their views about how others live, spend or anything else different from themselves, that’s a lot of wasted time that you will never get back, is it worth it?  In the end time will win because it runs out, before it does, make sure you pack a lot into that little bit that’s given to you.~ Just my two cents