Monday, July 30, 2012

I’m a Mom Not a Politician~ C. L. Anderson

           Several people have written me asking if I was going to have some type of political forum. Why this matters is beyond me, it would still be MY forum. You would just have the opportunity to express your opinions. My guess is that it would be a short lived forum because I have very opinionated followers who love to express their views but not accept someone else’s. It’s amazing how many people have something to say on someone else’s page and when that person who has the page makes a comment back, the individual appears to get offended.
            Here’s how Facebook is supposed to work: Someone has a page and now they have their very own “public” journal. Since your name is the one on the page, you can write pretty much what you want as long as FB doesn’t deem it illegal in the FB realm. Now, this is how FB actually works, using myself as the example. Now this is hypothetical, don’t get your panties in a bunch. I put up a post or write a blog saying I don’t like what President Obama has done. Within 10 minutes I will have my followers divided by race, gender, relationship status and union affiliation blowing up my wall telling me how bad my opinion is. I will be told I support Mitt Romney and the political right wing agenda. Oh, it would be brutal. By the time I got through, there would be a lot of hurt feelings, life’s rough like that sometimes.
            The reality of things is I really don’t care to deal in politics, religious or money discussions. No one ever agrees; unless of course you’re siding with someone no matter how out there you feel their thoughts are. Having such a forum would take the fun out of everyone connecting; sure there are disagreements, but it’s nice to be able to agree to disagree and move on. Being a single mom, coming from a jacked up family and making some really poor choices for friends back in the day gives me more than enough to muse about.  There aren’t many women that can say they’ve worked in corrections and construction and endured the “good ol’ boys” more than one cares to think about.
            If the bigger part of your day is putting up how you personally feel you have every right to know what’s going on behind someone else’s closed doors, then you have that right. The only thing I would say is I hope you feel the same way when someone wants to know what’s going on behind your closed doors. If you feel that everyone should know your God, beautiful, great have it on your wall. Unless I invite that myself, it doesn’t belong on my wall. Admittedly I discuss my own experiences with religion; somehow I always get the ones that say “Oh there’s still a plan for you or some other form of malarkey.” Believe me when I tell you that it takes everything within me to NOT say “your beliefs are so strong and you believe your prayers are heard, why is your ass still poor as hell”. I don’t say it, but the thought is there. You see why I don’t jump in those types of conversations.
            I don’t share the same views as a lot of people and I’m ok with that. I really don’t try to. I try to look at everything tongue and cheek, it’s not that serious. I like to say I dislike everyone equally, that way no one feels left out. I love my friends and followers; I just don’t share a lot of their views. I don’t spend my days worried about who likes me or dislikes me; I remember a classmate doing that in 5th grade. Guess what??? That classmate is still considered to be a bit out there, all that worrying about….blah blah blah. Get over yourself.
            I’ve walked away from a lot of people; I don’t think it’s ever been because of their opinions, views or what they’ve said. It was probably because I felt the inner core of that person’s very being just didn’t fit in with my life anymore and it was time to move on. Seasons change and so do people. I have fun with what I do; would I have more fun if I jumped on the political bandwagon, heck yea. It’s just not worth the headache.
            For the record, I don’t like either politician. Neither is going to stop looking past their own personal agenda. I don’t care who sleeps where and with whom, not my business and certainly not yours. The only religious views I have are negative, therefore I’ll just tuck that away.  I strongly believe women shouldn’t have a statute of limitations on reporting of rape especially after seeing what’s happening with people getting settlements from the Catholic Church from instances that allegedly go back decades. So in my humble opinion, female rape victims are victimized more than once. I don’t like the fact that people feel they have the right to know what’s going on in their neighbors home, but if there is a case of domestic abuse no one speaks out. I think unions are great, unless you’re a female from the Chicagoland area.  I could go on and on.
            My position in this life is that of mother. It’s not the easiest position; the court of public opinion thinks they have the right to infringe on that as well. I don’t impose my views on anyone else and I would like to keep my platform free of that as well. One can write without jumping into a firestorm. Now, that doesn’t mean I won’t toss my two cents out there, just keep in mind I am the first to know that a lot of people will disagree. I won’t cause a firestorm unless I’m prepared to jump in that fire all the way. Those that know me know I love a good argument, an intelligent argument.  I believe this is why I’m good at being a mom and not a politician. ~ Just my two cents

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What You’ve Raised ~ C. L. Anderson

            There’s been a lot of talk lately about older children and how they treat their parents. More specifically, how they treat their mothers. Now, I for sure don’t have the perfect poster child kid. I will say that what I’ve noticed is a pattern. I spent a lot of time thinking I created a heartless, lazy, jerk. Everyone that met my kid always said how sweet he is and threw upon him every positive platitude you can think of; my thoughts???? You don’t live with him. Never had I seen an individual so aloof about what was going on outside of himself. Time was meant to tick for him and things would be done when he felt like it no matter how much I complained. He could be full of compassion one minute and the next minute we’re butting heads about the dumbest of issues.
            I’ll pick that up in a bit. What I’ve been reading and what I was told by friends blows my mind. Their children are actually beating them and doing whatever they want; complete disrespect. There are a couple of thoughts that go through my mind. Firstly, when your son/daughter was little and they started hitting you, instead of playing and laughing it off you should have smacked him/her back. You gave up your control as a parent when you let that happen. Secondly, did you as the parent respect your child or did you just demand they respect you only to realize you didn’t know how to teach them to respect you? Think about that, how many parents do you see in the stores with screaming kids and the parent gets in their face and tries to pacify them only to be smacked by the kid. The parent half heartedly looks around to make sure someone else didn’t just see her get smacked by her child who’s still sitting there throwing a fit. Too bad you can’t find that family 10 years in the future and see how that kid turned out and how the relationship is with the parent.
            I guess with some things I’ve heard I shouldn’t be too surprised. Some of the ones that are having problems were not the kindest of people (that was me attempting to be nice) back in the day. I remember some people cussing at their parents, throwing things at their parents and just being disrespectful. This was all over being told they couldn’t hit the next happening party or have the next happening party themselves. Really?!? I wish I would have tried that in my house, I’d probably still be trying to find what’s left of my teeth today. If you’ve never learned to respect your own parents, how can you teach your kids to respect you? Hmm, there’s a thought. A lot of people claim they understand more of what their parents were trying to do or say only after they have kids of their own. Usually that eureka moment comes when their own child is acting like the jerk they (the parent) used to be themselves. So here’s a new eureka moment for you….your kids reflect you. That’s it in a nutshell, plain and simple. Are you arrogant? If so, your kid probably is as well. Are you indifferent? Your kid probably is as well. Your children turn out how you raise them, complaining about how they treat you should have you standing in a mirror talking to yourself.
            As parents ourselves, we’ve learned from our own parents. I’m not saying our parents have actually taught us the hand held way. We were a latch key generation for sure, a lot of us learned by telephone, ok that was a bit exaggerated. What I mean is we learned what type of parent to be from our parents, good or bad. I learned to be the opposite of my mom. It’s no secret and I’ve written about it before, she and I didn’t get along. I respected her because she was my mom, as a child, we feared her because she was a bully. Everything about me has disappeared, like I never existed. My mom blames my dad and my dad is just clueless. So that’s how it went and that’s how it stayed until my mom passed away. Now, one could assume that my mom was just a jerk and go crazy with all the negatives of her parenting style; you’d be half right. She learned from her mother, and boy her mother was a doosey. My grandmother was the most cold hearted money hungry person I’ve ever met. She had four kids and they were never really all that close. To this day those of us from my mom’s side are not close, we don’t even talk (enter tears here).
            So as I hear and read these stories of these “terrible kids” I had to think of my own kid and how he turned out. This is what I’ve come up with; it makes a lot of sense; especially to those that know me. 1) My son respects those that respect him 2) He’s the biggest procrastinator 3) It’s not that he doesn’t care, it just doesn’t affect him directly 4) He questions and argues everything 5) He moves when he’s ready and not before then 6) He has a tendency to tolerate those that hurt him 7) He can hold a grudge like nobody’s business 8) Even though I think he doesn’t listen to half of what I say, his actions say otherwise.
            Now, that doesn’t look like what I described in the first paragraph, does it? It isn’t, but it took some self reflection to see that. My son turned out to be what I put in him, this is why I say he’s my mini me. There were arguments of course, but him raising his hand to strike me or parting his lips to cuss at me????? Not in this lifetime. He’s learned that we don’t have to agree and that’s ok. He’s learned that he doesn’t have to like what I say and he’s learned to respectfully question what he dislikes. My rule is; you can always argue your point and be heard, but make sure you have a valid point before opening your mouth. How does that work out??? If we were opposing attorneys it would be an interesting courthouse for sure. I see it as I’ve worked out the kinks behind closed doors so he can earn his respect outside those doors; this is what I’ve raised.
            I hate to hear stories of children rising up against their parents. It bothers me even more when the almost grown or grown offspring still lives at home and does this.  My reaction would be to allow them to pack their belongings and take the key back as they walk out the front door. You aren’t helpless now, but what about when you’re older and have to depend on someone to help you. These are things to think about now, we aren’t getting any younger. It’s time to look at the big picture and own the fact that this is what you’ve raised. ~Just my two cents.

(Originally posted on July 21,2012)