Friday, October 19, 2012

Control and Release: They Could Be Friends ~C.L. Anderson

            Those that know me have often heard me talk about control, not control of a person or a group of people; but control over what happens to me in my life. It took a lot to come to terms that sometimes life just happens and things are actually meant to be released. Now, I have the release part down perfect. If I don’t like you, poof! You’ve been released. I may still talk to you, but trust me; you’ve been released…or have you?
            Growing up, my mom controlled everything. Not only did she control everything, she sent my brother and me to a school that commanded absolute control of everything. Mom controlled what we ate, watched on TV, what time we went to bed, what time we got up, what we wore and many other things.  When I first started school, they controlled what we wore. We had to wear skirts or dresses. That changed around third grade to we could wear dress slacks (yep, that’s what they called them then), but no jeans. Then it was we could wear jeans but they couldn’t have the rivets on the pockets. God forbid they scratched up the hardened plastic seats we sat in. School controlled when we ate, when we went to the restroom, when we had recess (remember that?) and when we had P.E. They even controlled when and how often we went to church and Sunday school by taking attendance for it Monday morning. If I recall correctly, at the time, you had to attend one or both a certain amount of times or it reflected in your grade. I’d have to pull my report cards out from the dark ages to check for sure.
            By the time I got to high school, mom still controlled a lot of things. She would take the phone to work with her to keep me off the phone. What was my reaction to this? I had a computer called ADAM at that time and I was able to hook that up to the phone line and still make calls. I kept myself busy at school so I wasn’t home often, long enough to sleep and eat. I believe my release started during this time. Mom was losing control over making me get up Sunday mornings. I simply would sleep at a friend’s house or just exercise what I thought was my freedom of speech. I guess that message got through loud and clear because I no longer had to return to what I considered a dungeon beneath the bowels of hell.
            Mom is gone now and in a somewhat eerie way I feel like I’ve finally come into my own. They say a woman doesn’t become a woman until she loses her mom. I don’t really agree with that, I’ll just say years of struggle and stress had been released; at least I thought it had. Memories play a big role in control and release and for me, memory might as well be a four letter word. Memories can be limited, sometimes I wish mine were. I remember everything and pretty much anything a person says or does. This is where the release part should come into play. Where is that darn release lever!
            I’ve been told I was controlling, that was a while ago. Would you believe it still pisses me off? Firstly, I had to consider the source and that about sums it up right there. Yet, I’m still pissed by it. Why? Well, I look at myself as a person with super high standards for my son and the people I deal with. My son once told me my standards were too high. That’s coming from a member of the 2015 college graduating class. He was in honors classes and maintained good grades throughout school and was a two sport athlete. He was never in trouble with the law, he doesn’t have anyone walking around calling him daddy and he shows much respect. Hmmm, standards I’ve set, that young man has met. It wasn’t easy, but he did it. I had the honor of sending that young man off to school with an academic and athletic scholarship. I had the tears to prove it. People, having and setting standards does not constitute control. I look at it as putting a road map in place and setting attainable goals to paint that road map whatever color you choose. I had to let go of my son and watch him continue his growth without my pushing, but knowing he had the tools to take care of business. I had to release and breathe.
So, here is my idea of control; this is going to wrinkle some feathers for sure. To me, and remember this is my opinion; you know what they say about opinions. When you have no plans for your child to gain more knowledge and allow them to sit under you because they can’t make a move without you, that’s control. I had a friend who told me her and her husband had no plans for their child to go to college because neither of them went. That blew my mind, why would you not want your child to do better! When a person wants to dictate what you do with your time in your own life, that’s control. What makes that control? Try saying “no” to someone like that. That is the quickest way to shut down a control freak, with a word they do not like to hear. This is why they make sure they are surrounded by people who don’t know any better. These are people that I have mentally released, that harkens back to my first paragraph. A mental release is a bit different than completely releasing a person from your very presence.
I think, or at least I’d like to think my mom didn’t mentally break me because I was always so determined to break away. I knew I was more intelligent than what she thought; I was doing her college homework and typing it out when I was in fifth grade. I was determined to make sure my son made it out, mainly because I never had that chance. I gave him what my mom didn’t give me, freedom. He has the freedom to make his own choices, good or bad. I can voice my opinion, but I also tell him he doesn’t have to agree. He’s been taught to stand his ground and question everything. I’m from the time when you didn’t speak up at home or in school. I’m sure you can imagine me staying in trouble somewhere because of my mouth.
My overall point is this; wanting to see someone succeed is not control. Holding them back because you don’t want to be alone is control. You can’t mentally hold someone back then complain about everything that goes on, that creates a mental oxymoron. If me setting high standards and expecting them to be met is control, guilty as charged, but you are wrong. I also hold to the greater knowledge that I have released him to the world without strings attached. You can’t teach your little bird to fly then tell them they can only fly the way YOU tell them. You can’t expect to hold friendships based on the absurd inner thinking that you can control them and what goes on in their households. Sometimes one needs to understand that it takes more control to release. So to those that have called me a control freak, know that you have been released. I may talk to you and make nice, but you are not an issue. I control what goes on in my life and naysayers are a blip on the spectrum.  One final thing to keep in mind…keep a look out for those college graduation pictures. ~Just my two cents.


Thursday, October 11, 2012

My New Normal ~C.L. Anderson

            After taking some time away from writing, mainly due to health issues, I’m back to give it another go. It’s been an interesting past few months to say the least and of course I get to be the one to call out the absurdness of what I’ve seen posted lately. I also get a chance to welcome you to my new normal. Well, some of you are welcome; the rest can just hop on for the ride.
            This past June, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. I told only a handful of people at the time, those were people I kept in touch with on a regular basis, not what I call “drive by friends”. At that time I wasn’t ready to deal with it, there were so many emotions. The first one was just strangeness because Jack Osborne announced he had MS the day after I was told. Suddenly, the whole world was being made aware of this complex disease. The next emotion was the “this isn’t real, oh wait, that explains everything” emotion. How does that work? Well, my doctor was so nonchalant when he told me so I was nonchalant as well. I figured it couldn’t be that bad if he wasn’t making a big deal of it. Then I started getting things in the mail, a whole new dose of my new reality; humbling to say the least.
            After over 20 years of weird happenings and tons of work being missed, I know what I have. I think I was more relieved to have doctors that actually listened to what I said and not blow me off as being lazy, or having head issues. I have a head issue alright, I remember every single doctor that has told me it was nothing, chronic fatigue, laziness, a virus and any other excuse they used. Memory, now that’s a heck of a head issue to have!  I have to admit, these doctors had me thinking I had a mental problem for a while and it really worked on the self esteem. I have to keep in mind they call it a medical “PRACTICE” for a reason. I was a human guinea pig, not by choice for sure.
            I remember being too tired to take my son trick or treating and forcing myself to go. I remember being too tired to keep the weekly dinner dates he and I had. I pushed through it all. I remember lying in bed for weeks, crying because I couldn’t get up on my own. I didn’t know the frequent arguments my mom instigated put me in bed for days with possible MS related flare ups. Looking back, all the signs were there but nobody put it all together. It’s ok now, sort of. My son didn’t know any different, the only thing he’s known his whole life is that’s it’s me and him against the world and we will win.
            I guess I didn’t really say anything because I didn’t to hear the obligatory “I’m sorry”, “I’ll pray for you” and the other automated responses people give. This is why people are negligent in outing their sickness. Honestly why are people so obsessed with the how’s and why’s of someone else’s life? A person passes away and right away you have a crap load of people wanting to know what happened; why??? You think you can fix them and bring them back? A person announces an illness and right away people are asking if you got a second opinion and telling you their homespun advice. There should be a protocol of what to say or not say, better yet just don’t say.
            Once I was ready to start putting MS out there, I posted pictures on my Facebook page. Now…wait for it…. Would you believe people were asking if something was wrong with me or am I sick!!! Really people???? First of all, there is nothing “wrong” with me. I’m not going to start posting articles about healthy eating for people with MS or anything like that. Knowledge is power and if some of you dare to pick up reading material, you will read that no two people share the same symptoms and those of us that have MS are in a group of highly diversified individuals unique only to ourselves. Once people start finding out you have “something”, people you haven’t been in touch with start writing trying to find out the “scoop”. There’s no scoop to tell so the pretend to care just to get information can take a flying leap. Overall, I thought the pictures said it all, didn’t think I would have to explain the obvious.
            I believe one of the main reasons I’ve waited to put this information out there is because no matter what you say, someone says they have it worse. Only on Facebook can one try to one up someone when it comes to illnesses or a family crisis. Think about it and look through your pages. If someone says they aren’t feeling well, there will undoubtedly be someone else saying “I was sick all last week too, feel better soon” My favorite is when someone always says “I have a friend that had (enter anything here)” Wow, I don’t think I asked about your friend, at least that’s what I would like to say sometimes. I’m not one to blast ALL of my business on Facebook anyway. Do you really care when I went to the bathroom or what I ate for dinner? So, I choose carefully what I post; unless something pisses me off.
            I’ve started cleaning my closet so to speak. I keep in touch with those I actually want to talk with. I’ve walked away from someone that was my best friend for almost 30 years. I’ve changed a lot, but there’s more changes coming. I may slur my words when I talk now and I’m certainly no stranger to kissing a wall or two or hugging the floor. It isn’t my fault they get in my way. I have brief memory farts and sometimes ask the same question a hundred times. My vision gets blurry and returns to normal, I walk funny sometimes. Being on my feet for an extended period of time sends my body into spasm of pain and tingling. Sometimes my left leg is completely numb and I have to drag it along like a sack of some type. My face goes numb quite often and it seems stress brings a nice little flare up to remind me to calm down. There are times when depression seems to be the only thing I wake up to and I have to have meds to sleep at night. I have a cane that I’m too vain to use, but I’ve already decided I will name it Candy. There’s nothing “wrong” with me, the pictures or sayings about MS I post are about me. I’m learning to embrace my new normal. ~Just my two cents